March to End Fossil Fuels

The Global Fight to End Fossil Fuels takes place in New York City on September 15 and 17 to coincide with Climate Week and the UN Climate Ambition Summit. Demonstrations are also planned across the country and internationally. Information on transportation is available on the site.

On September 15 to 17, millions of people around the world will take to the streets to demand a rapid, just, and equitable end to fossil fuels.

This wave of global mobilisations will include the March to #EndFossilFuels fast, fair, forever in New York City on September 17, as world leaders attend the United Nations Secretary General’s Climate Ambition Summit.

This historic mobilisation renews and reinforces the globally coordinated efforts focused on ending the era of fossil fuels. The scale of this mobilisation and the urgency of the moment underscore the devastating impacts of recent record breaking heat, deadly floods, and increased extreme weather events.

The climate crisis is escalating and in response so is the global movement for climate justice. Across the globe, we are coming together to fight back against the fossil fuel industry and its enablers.

Together, we are unstoppable as we build and imagine a fossil fuel-free world.

Fossil Fuel Kills, Asians in particular

Bill McKibben writes:

New data last week from University of Chicago researchers showed that across South Asia, air pollution—mostly from burning fossil fuels—is robbing people of five years of life on average. Five years! If you live in Delhi, the most polluted big city on the planet, that number is an unimaginable 11.9 years. If you would have lived to 70, you died at 58. Thank about that. Across the region, “particulate pollution levels are currently more than 50 percent higher than at the start of the century and now overshadow” other health risks. Every breath that people take is killing them, every hour of every day.

Bulldogs, pugs and other snout-less dogs will suffer as climate change worsens, experts warn

Bulldogs. Pugs. Boston terriers. French bulldogs. There is a term for these widely-loved pups who seem to lack snouts altogether, with their face instead appearing to have been smooshed in through years of inbreeding. That term is “brachycephalic,” derived from the Greek for “short head.”

Whether you adore these animals or think their very existence is inhumane (a controversial subject indeed), experts from both the dog worlds and the climatology world agree on one thing: Brachycephalic dogs are going to suffer a lot more as climate change worsens. It all comes down to the science.

Baby Glaciers in Pakistan

Farmers in Pakistan’s highlands are mating chunks from white and black glaciers to create baby glaciers to water their crops, according to an NPR story last week “A glacier baby is born: Mating glaciers to replace water lost to climate change. 

“We are grasping at straws. Like a person drowning, we will try anything,” says Shamsher Ali, a 65-year-old elder in the village of Machulo, where water theft is rife.

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is looking to help residents of northern Pakistan adapt to climate change – leaning into the area’s indigenous culture to find ways to replace the rapidly melting glaciers.

Glacier mating is one of several unconventional strategies they are trying. The water shortages in this Himalayan district are also prompting farmers to adapt a neighboring Indian technique of building frozen water fountains. An engineer is trying to harvest avalanches. Then there’s a group of women who call themselves the “water thieves.”

Responsible for less than 1% of the global carbon footprint, Pakistan currently ranks as number five in the Global Climate Risk Index of climate-vulnerable countries. Along with extreme weather and a growing number of natural disasters, the country is also experiencing rising temperatures, changes in weather patterns, and, in the north, glacial melting.