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[title type=”h4″]Downloads:[/title]
Preparing and Using Biochar
Troubleshooting & Tips


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2050kids invites people from around the world to take part in The Cookstove Challenge, an interactive global learning experience.

The challenge engages participants in constructing the Climate Rescue Can Cookstove, a biochar-producing cookstove which captures carbon from the air and rejuvenates soils. The cookstove was designed by 2050kids advisor James Greyson and has been fine tuned for over a year for release via open sourced infographics.

Download the simple infographics and accompanying materials and get started today!

As 2050kids launches the Cookstove Challenge globally, 2050kids project staff is working on challenges locally with Middle School students in the United States . The students are providing oral feedback on the instructions as they prepare to use the biochar produced by their stoves in their gardens. Their feedback will inform further ideations of the instructions and help 2050kids determine if the project is viable to introduce in rural farming communities in developing countries.

The ‘endgame’ of the challenge is to facilitate locally directed learning activities which involve communities in a hands-on process to discover the value of biochar in improving the soil in community or market gardens.

[title type=”h3″]Participate in the Challenge[/title]

To virtually participate in the challenge:

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  • Download the infographics and accompanying materials
  • Gather the materials and tools (or find substitutes)
  • Start building
  • Share your comments, questions, and ideas in comments below


For more information, contact info@2050kids.org.
