The same region in the Horn of Africa which experienced severe famine back in 2011 is once again devastated by a record breaking drought, which threatens to undermine success gained in helping communities cope with the ravages of extreme weather and climate change.

Some 15 million people in the east coast of Africa are currently in need of humanitarian assistance. In Somalia, where the drought situation is reportedly the worst, the UN reports that 360,000 children are malnourished, some 70,000 face starvation, and over 40 percent of the population is dependent on food aid.

The severity of the drought is attributed to both La Niña and last year’s particularly strong El Niño. Crops have been devastated by the extremely dry weather.

“We are seeing similar warning signals as in 2011 when more than 260,000 people died during the famine in Somalia,” said Karl-Otto Zentel, secretary general of the relief organization CARE (Germany-Luxemburg).

The United Nations announced Tuesday they are seeking $450 million to help three of the east African nations which are currently most severely impacted: Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya.

Visit Care International to donate for drought relief.