2050kids has partnered with the coalition of climate activists associated with the huge 2014 NYC People’s Climate March to promote and support the April 29 Washington, D.C. People’s Climate March. The event will be held in conjunction with other climate marches across the country.

The announcement of 100 days of climate actions coincides with the first 100 days of Trump’s administration and is an immediate resistance against Trump’s executive orders on Keystone XL and Dakota Access and the removal of references to climate change from government websites and social media.

“The Trump Administration will not be able to keep its promises to their fossil fuel industry backers,” says 350.org’s Jamie Henn. “ … We will continue our unshakable opposition on the ground, and in the courts — every pipeline, every coal mine, every time.”

Kieran Suckling, executive director of the Center for Biological Diversity, which just completed its 16-city Earth2Trump tour across the country, has witnessed firsthand the birthing of a massive movement “to resist Trump and any policies that would hurt wildlife, marginalize entire classes of people and drive the climate deeper into crisis.

“People from all walks of life, are speaking with a single voice of resistance against Trump and his corrupt agenda to gut climate progress and dig fossil fuels from the ground,” Suckling said. “It’s a powerful movement that will show its mighty political force at the People’s Climate March in 2017 and over the next four years.”

Sign up for the March and stay up-to-date on developments by following @People’s_Climate on Twitter.